No More Room Mate!!! Married Life will finally begin! I’ve had a room mate for about a month since the wedding, and as of today he will be gone for good! I can finally get my house back in order, unpack some wedding gifts, rearrange the craft room, and do some spring cleaning. Not only that, but I will be living with my husband instead of my husband plus a room mate. Oh, happy day!!
No more cooking for more than two. No more empty soda cans and taco bell cups lying about. No more sharing my dining room with a computer. No more sacrificing my living room for a cot. No more sharing the bathroom with anyone else besides my husband. No more washer and dryer madness. No more having to wear clothes all the time. No more chitter chatter every time I come home. No more supporting a grown child. No more of that room mate smell on my couch. No more going to bed just to sleep.
Needless to say, I am very excited and relieved to have the house all to myself again. And if you’re reading this, room mate, don’t get mad. I still count you as a friend, and you are still a good person. I just want and need to start my married life with only me and my husband. You’ll understand one day when you meet that special woman you can’t imagine living without, and all you want to see is her.
:) I know how you feel girl! Its really nice to come home and ONLY your spouse is there!