Monday, May 17, 2010

Before I have kids...

I just found out that a friend of mine is pregnant – congrats to her! But, it got me to thinking… what would I do in that situation? It was unexpected, so the time will fly by for her. Next thing you know, she will be bringing a new life into the world. Goodness, there are so many things I want to accomplish before I start a family! I’ve seen a few “before I’m 30” and “things to do before I die” lists, and I’ve decided to make my own. This is a list of things to accomplish before I start a family. Now that life has decided to settle down (i.e. I’m not planning a wedding or waiting for Mark to graduate and get a job), I think I will have the time and support from my dear husband to accomplish my goals. Hopefully they aren’t too lofty.

-Visit a Psychic or Taoist mystic
-Go sky-diving
-Take a trip out of the country
-Go to college
-Buy a house
-Drive and own a motorcycle
-Make my own beer
-Paint something that’s worth hanging in my home
-Attend a major sporting event
-Commission a special painting
-Write a fan letter to Alan Rickman
-Go to a major concert
-Drink beer at Oktoberfest
-Spend a night in a haunted house
-Write my will
-Gamble at a Casino
-Play the lottery
-Learn to cook and bake from scratch
-Take swing dancing lessons
-Go to a play or the opera with Mark

I’m already working on the painting, and have tickets to the Lady GaGa concert this summer – so that scratches off a couple of points. Ha ha, there are only 20! I usually do what I want when I want to, so that probably makes for a more manageable list. I may add more if I think of anything, but this looks pretty good for now.


  1. That's a great list! I have a similar list scribbled in a spiral somewhere, but it's mostly household projects I want to get done before we have a kiddo. Lists are fun!

  2. Sounds like a good time and you've got a badass to-do list. As a parent, I would recommend a couple other items:
    -sleep late
    -enjoy alone time with your spouse(not just sex, even waking up alone and greeting the day together is a rare event)
    -sleep late
    -enjoy silence
    and most importantly:
    sleep late.

  3. and a vegas wedding for me and my Mark could knock a few more off the list for you too! What a great list! I am proud of you for setting some goals like a house and college but keping your feet on the ground too! Have fun doing your list!
