Monday, August 9, 2010

Not Me Monday!

"Not Me!" Monday is a blog ring started by MckMama! It's a ton of fun! It's so much fun to share all the things I have *not* been doing, and read what everyone else has *not* been up to as well!

Ehhh... so I've totally *not* been neglecting my blog. I know all you who read my posts have *not* been getting ants in your pants waiting for me. I would *never* leave my friends hanging like that.

Furthermore, I would like to say that I have *not* totally given up on meal planning. It is definitely *not* because I have an hour commute to and from work. As a result, Mark and I have *not* decided to start the my fit foods program. (check it out at

After looking at our budget and savings goals, and realizing we were totally rocking, I did *not* go on a clothes and makeup and fun shopping spree! I also did *not* convince Mark on a whim of mine to go and buy a digital camera. I certainly did *not* break the last one by dropping it with the lens open. :(

I did *not* work through lunch today and leave early since the doc is out of town. I also did *not* clean out the craft room as a surprise for Mark. I am *never* that motivated to clean! I am *not* also about to try to convince him to take me out as a reward. I would *never* do such a thing.


  1. Lol great post! Go y'all on your budget and savings goals--that's awesome! Once the weddings I'm in are over in October I'll be able to get back on track with all that. Weddings are expensive, even when they're not yours!

  2. Digital cameras are *important,* not just whims! They let you do mission-critical things like post pictures to your blog! :)
